Is Concierge Medicine Ethically Justified?

The American College of Physicians (ACP) Ethics Manual (6th edition) outlines the ethical responsibilities of doctors to provide care for all patients. This means that when considering the type of practice to join, physicians must take into account the potential for discrimination against underserved populations. Without appropriate guidelines and safeguards in place, concierge medicine can lead to patient abandonment and other ethical issues. Concierge medicine is a growing trend in the medical field, with internal medicine being the most popular specialty.

Despite this, there is still a stigma attached to concierge medicine as many doctors are leaving the traditional healthcare system in favor of this new model. In order for concierge medicine to be ethically justified, it is essential that national guidelines and safeguards are established. This will ensure that all patients receive accessible care in a non-discriminatory manner. Doctors must also pay special attention to ethical considerations when deciding which type of practice to join.

Gus Patel
Gus Patel

Amateur travel lover. Wannabe beeraholic. Passionate internet advocate. General twitter expert. Award-winning travel trailblazer.